Life's Beauty

Life's Beauty

Tuesday 9 July 2013

On the other side of fear.

You know, Satan loves to put things in our track that stop us from truly being in Gods’ love, and the life God has planned for us. But how does he do that? Easy he puts doubts and fear into our minds that if you’re not careful can soak into your heart and make it cold.

Let’s talk about the fear: this wretched thing can stop two people from loving each other and even stop people from getting what they desperately need, saying things such as:

 What will people think of you if you go through with this? They will be so ashamed of you; can you handle all that judgment?

Don’t start liking that person, what if you fall in love, and then put them before God? You will push God away and then put all your faith in that person and end up getting hurt, then who will want you?

You’re not good enough for anyone

You’re too slow

You’re too stupid

Who could ever love someone with so much baggage?

Man... Shall I continue? It’s making me wanna cry because all of these things have been whispered to me at times and unfortunately I have been silly enough to believe them. And I know that there are whisperers of doubt being pushed onto you also. Well would you like to see what God says?

He shouts with a mighty thunder slamming His fist “STOP!”

Then Satan quivers into the shadows where he belongs and disappears, nothing gets in the way of this mighty hero!

God stands over the doubt and fear with a pure strength that terrifies anything evil in His path.

He looks back at you in the corner of the room and with eyes of mercy, He leans down and scoops you up into His arms of grace.

‘You are so beautiful’ He says.

You are stronger then you know and much smarter than you think.

Why do you think you are not good enough? My son died on the cross for you! Because I love YOU.

Don’t you see, if you would just let go of fear, doubt, pride, self-pity and un-forgiveness we could be dancing in the arms of the most high! All He wants is to hold us close but we keep pushing our fears and failures in the way, thinking that we are not good enough, well for God we are not good enough but He sent His son, who spilled his blood so that we may be cleansed and able to dance with God!

On the other side of fear is a loving God who promises never to leave you or forsake you, and trust me He actually keeps his promises. Hard to believe but He loves you, and His love is true love.

When you push Satan and all those doubts and fears aside you make room for Gods’ love, and the life God has for you is full of freedom, peace, grace and most of all love, you will be complete with God and able to rest in His arms and Satan will do anything he can to stop that.

Don’t let evil win but overcome evil with good! (Romans 12:21)

He will hold your baggage and even hold your heart if you would just let Him.

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